National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes

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Note that these are real-time data and are not quality-controlled. Long-range graphs are plotted from a randomised subsample of half-hourly data.


Tide Levels and Harmonics


Additional Information

 Wave radar location           50° 37.043' N  03° 25.415' W 
 Met station location  50° 36.657' N  03° 23.945' W
 For full site history  See latest annual report


Tides are measured by a WaveRadar REX, which was de-comissioned from Teignmouth Pier. It was deployed on 24 September 2015 deployed at Exmouth Marina by kind permission of the marina owners.

Initially, the data were levelled only approximately but a full control survey was conducted subsequently and the real-time data are now correctly aligned to OD and have been corrected back to 10:20 GMT on 16 October 2015 when the data feed became constant. All prior data should be disregarded.

Meteorological data are recorded by a Vaisala WXT536, which was installed on 17 June 2022.


07/01/2025 Scheduled service
08/03/2024 A vessel impacted the armoured cable between the radar and the shore station computer. The power cables and computer were replaced on 15/04/24. 
20/09/2023 It is suspected that the cable run is causing the occasional spiking seen in the data. This will be monitored for deterioration and replaced if necessary.
19/06/2023 Scheduled service
30/04/2023 Communcations from the met station have been interrupted, an investigation is underway.
26/10/2022 The WaveRex and meteorological station were serviced.
17/06/2022 A Vaisala WXT536 meteorological station was installed.
30/07/2021 The site was experiencing power issues which were rectified. 
04/04/2021 Power restored. 
03/04/2021 Power has been lost at the instrument. 
16/03/2021 Power has been restored. 
14/03/2021 The site is experiencing internet and power issues. 
07/07/2020 Scheduled service
08/11/2019 Scheduled service
30/01/2019 Scheduled service
31/05/2018 Scheduled service
11/02/2018 Data has been intermittent due to power cuts, but issues have been resolved. 
17/08/2017 Scheduled service
05/12/2016 The power is now restored. 

A digger has broken through the power supply for the marina so the wave rader is temporarily without power. 

04/11/2016 Scheduled service

The phase 3 power in the area is down, works are underway to isolate and repair the fault. 
Update: temporary power is being provided by a generator, there are likely to be further brief breaks in the data when switching back to mains power on completion of the repair

31/03/2016 Scheduled service
24/09/2015 The WaveRadar was installed.