National Network of Regional Coastal Monitoring Programmes

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Note that these are real-time data and are not quality-controlled. Long-range graphs are plotted from a randomised subsample of half-hourly data.

Arun Platform

Tide Levels and Harmonics


Additional Information

 Platform location  50° 46.200' N  000° 29.500' W
 For full site history  See latest annual report


The met station was deployed on 28 May 2008.  The tide gauge became operational in April 2008.

In September 2014, the original Valeport 730 gauge was replaced with a Valeport VRS-20

On 27 March 2019, the Gill Metpak Pro meteorological station was replaced with a Vaisala WXT536. 


09/09/2024 The met station is offline. Remote fixes have been unsuccessful therefore a physical fault at site is suspected. The met station will remain offline until safe platform access can be reinstated.
02/05/2024 The met station is offline due to an issue with the shore station computer. The computer will be replaced as soon as possible. Rectified on 10/05/2024
18/09/2023 Tide data is delayed due to a suspected physical fault at site. Access to the platform for a repair visit is currently restricted. The tide gauge will remain offline until safe platform access can be reinstated.
15/09/2022 Scheduled service. The wind sensor has been fixed.
28/01/2022 The wind sensor is broken and will be repaired during the next scheduled service.
08/11/2021 Scheduled service, data restored. 
24/10/2021 The gauge is flat-lining. Investigations are underway. 
14/06/2021 Scheduled service
18/10/2020 Unscheduled visit to the platform to swap out the meteorological station with an identical spare. 
16/09/2020 Data restored
15/09/2020 Further installation works on the platform to complete the new telemetry system. 
11/09/2020 Further shore side works to complete the new telemetry system. 
10/06/2020 Patrial installation of the new telemetry system on the platform. 
10/01/2020 Shore-side works are being completed to install the new telemetry system. 

Data form the platform has stopped due to transmission issues. 

A new telemetry system is being prepared. 


Scheduled service

Gill Metpak Pro meteorological station replaced with a Vaisala WXT536. 

Data should become availabe again in the next few days. 

03/01/2019 Data from the platform has stopped. Batteries on the platform had depleted. 
21/06/2018 The unscheduled telemetry works have caused a jump in the wind data. The other weather parameters should be considered unreliable. Further telemetery works to resolve the issue are scheduled to take place in the next two weeks.
21/02/2018 Unscheduled telemetry works
02/11/2017 Scheduled service
07/04/2017 An offset to the data has occured. The site has been relevelled and will be updated in due course. 
05/04/2017 Scheduled service
21/09/2016 New instrumentation has been installed; met data are correct from pm today.  The data are rather noisy and work is underway to correct this
18/08/2016 The platform was visited today to inspect the site and service the met station. New tide gauges will be installed in the near future.
02/08/2016 The platform has now been refurbished so a service of the equipment can now be carried out at the earliest opportunity.
27/01/2016   At midnight last night the data stream suddenly became erratic. Once temporary repair works have been completed on the platform a service will be carried out to investigate.
29/06/2015 Data stream is now coming from the new pressure transducer
25/06/2015 Platform visited today to install new pressure transducer and mounting system and replacement solar pannel. Data stream will return to pressure transducer readings soon.
18/06/2015 The data feed to the website is now coming from the replacement radar sensor installed on 13/05/15 until the pressure transducer can be replaced.
16/06/2015 Due to continuously erroneous tide data - uploading to the website has now been stopped.
26/05/2015 Suspected damage to the pressure transducer/cabling is causing erroneous readings. The platform will be visited to rectify the issue as soon as possible.
13/05/2015 A temporary installation of a pressure transducer has been installed on the site today to provide tide readings while the radar level sensor manufacturers continue fault finding with a replacement radar also installed today.
21/04/2015 Data from the platform has been inconsistent over the past few days due to ongoing issues with GPRS reception in the area. The network provider has been contacted.
30/01/2015 Tide data is becoming spiky during periods of increased wave height. This is being looked into and addressed by the manufacturers as a matter of some urgency.
22/01/2015 The platform was visited today to fix data issues. Data is now being collected but not uploaded currently due to a manufacturers fault which should be rectified shortly.
20/09/2014 The new instrumentation has now been installed.
29/04/2014 The weather station has also now been removed in preperation for the installation of replacement sensors in the near future.
19/02/2014 The tide gauge has now been removed and is being assessed for repair. The navigation light has been re-installed.
11/01/2014 Site investigated regarding navigation light and system problems.
31/12/2013 There is a problem at the Platform but at present sea conditions are unsuitable for a service visit.
21/08/2013 Scheduled service
17/01/2013 Scheduled service
20/10/2011 Scheduled service.  The met station has been replaced.
26/10/2010 There is a problem with the power/telemetry system on the Platform, which requires a site visit once sea conditions permit.
08/07/2010 Met data is no longer being transmitted from the Platform. The fault, which appears to be a power problem, is under investigation.  Data from the tide gauge is being transmitted properly.
16/03/2010 Schedule service and additional clean.
09/06/2009 Scheduled service, cleaned platform, checked battery voltages and connected met station to Satel.
14/01/2009 The met station was serviced and is serviceable temporarily, although following vandalism at the site late last year, part of the instrumentation will require re-wiring.